Any person has the right to feel safe and to be safe when engaging with us. Enhanced Lifestyles is committed to providing an environment free from harm, that nurtures customers wellbeing to live a great life.

Our commitment to a safe organisation is achieved through the following guiding principles modelled on the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and the NDIS Code of Conduct:

  1. The safety of all people, including children and vulnerable people, is driven by our values, governance, leadership and culture to act with integrity, honesty and transparency.
    2. All people are valued, treated equally with dignity and respect and risks are identified and managed to ensure the prevention of harm.
    3. Employees are suitably screened, trained, and equipped with the attitudes, skills, and knowledge to keep people safe.
    4. We take all reasonable steps to prevent, respond to and report risk of harm and harm including bullying, harassment, violence, exploitation, neglect, abuse and sexual misconduct.
    5. A quality and safe physical and online environment is provided through supporting policies and procedures.
    6. People are informed of their rights, have a say in decisions, and their concerns are taken seriously and acted on promptly.
    7. People actively participate in the organisation where regular consultation and feedback is sought and used to improve of our services.

Indicators of success

The safety of all people is driven by our values, governance, leadership and culture to act with integrity, honesty and transparency.

  • Safe Organisation Policy and supporting Procedures in place and reviewed at least 3 yearly.
  • Signed Code of Conduct for all employees.

All people are treated equally with dignity and respect and risks are identified and managed to ensure the prevention of harm.

  • Conducting accessible audits and ensuring all Enhanced Lifestyle premises, information and communication technology is accessible.
  • Performance Development Reviews occur as per Performance Development Review Policy.
  • Risks are assessed and effectively managed.
  • Including performance indicators in Position Descriptions on modelling. behaviour consistent with promoting a workplace free of discrimination and harassment.
  • Working with Vulnerable People Compliance statements for regulators and funders are done annually, and when required.

Employees are suitably screened, trained, and equipped with the attitudes, skills, and knowledge to keep people safe.

  • Human Resource policies include provisions for the appropriate pre-employment screening and training of employees.
  • Screens and Police Checks are current for all employees who are required to have a check in place.
  • Leaders are trained to respond effectively to issues of child and vulnerable person safety.
  • Employees are trained in their role as mandatory reporters.
  • Employees are trained and supported to effectively implement the Safe Organisation Policy.
  • Employees who do not meet this requirement are stood down.

We take all reasonable steps to prevent, respond to and report risk of harm including violence, exploitation, neglect, abuse and sexual misconduct.

  • Incident Management Policy and Procedures in place and regularly reviewed.
  • Employees are aware of their obligations in relation to reporting the risk of harm.
  • All Incidents of harm are reported, investigated and evaluated.

A quality and safe physical and online environment is provided through supporting policies and procedures.

  • Supporting Policies and Procedures in place including: Transportation of Customers Procedure; Duty of Care Policy, Social Media Policy.
  • Include online conduct and social media use guidelines in the Code of Conduct.
  • Risk management strategies address physical and online risks.

People are informed of their rights, have a say in decisions, and their concerns are taken seriously and acted on promptly.

  • The Safe Organisation Policy is available online and is distributed to all Employees and all relevant parties.
  • Employees are trained regarding their obligation under the Safe Organisation Policy.
  • Employees are trained on the feedback and complaints process.
  • Employees complete the Child Safe Environment training and a refresher every three years.

People actively participate in the organisation where regular consultation and feedback is sought and used to improve of our services.

  • Regular consultation and feedback obtained and recorded from key stakeholders.
  • Surveys conducted regularly and feedback incorporated into policy and procedure review as well as service delivery.

For a full copy of our Safe Organisation Policy and Procedure please email and we will arrange one to either be emailed or posted to you.

Get in touch

Complete the form to find out if we can support you.
You can also call us on 8340 2000 to speak to one of our friendly team members or email us at