Access Keys

Access keys allow anyone to navigate to key sections of the Enhanced Lifestyles website using only their keyboard.

  • 1 – Takes you to the Homepage.
  • 2 – Takes you to the Why we exist page.
  • 3 – Takes you to the Contact Us page.
  • 4 – Takes you to the News page.
  • 5 – Takes you to the Support in your home page.
  • 6 – Takes you to the Support in your community page.
  • 0 – Takes you to this Accessibility page.

Access keys can be used by pressing the Alt key on your keyboard and one of the above numbers at the same time. e.g. pressing Alt 1 will take you to the homepage. Depending on your browser, you may also have to hold the shift key.

Resizing Text

You can resize the text on the Enhanced Lifestyles website (or any website) by using your web browser’s built in keyboard controls. To zoom in, press Ctrl + and to zoom out, press Ctrl - (on OSX, substitute Ctrl with Cmd).

Accessibility Widget

You can change the contrast, highlight links, increase text spacing, enter Dyslexia-friendly mode, increase the cursor size and display tooltips via the Accessibility Menu, locked to the right hand side of the website:

accessibility widget