Paul has served on the Enhanced Lifestyles Board on and off since the early 1990’s. His lengthy stint as a Board member showed him the importance of our member-governed philosophy, and he witnessed firsthand the positive impacts of Board membership on many of his peers.

He’s incredibly passionate about empowering customers to realise their leadership potential and hopes to focus his new tenure on the development of strategies, pathways, and resources to support more members to take up Board duties. Needless to say, Paul is a staunch advocate for our unique philosophy.

Being a long-time Enhanced Lifestyles customer, Paul also values the control he has over his supports. He hopes to use his position to strengthen this even further and support his fellow customers to reap the benefits of this approach.

Not only does Paul bring 50 years of lived experience of disability to the Board, he also has expertise across various key business functions, including information technology from his time at OptCom Multimedia, workplace training and assessing, and work health and safety. His wide-ranging skillset makes him a valuable contributor to discussions of service quality and continuous improvement.

Paul’s volunteering isn’t limited to Enhanced Lifestyles – he has also sat on other Boards, including that of PAR-QUA Housing Cooperative, serving as a strong advocate of self-managed service models. Alongside supporting his community, Paul counts wheelchair sports, wargaming, gardening, and spending time with his dog amongst his interests.