Why you should become an Enhanced Lifestyles Member

At Enhanced Lifestyles, we are proud to be a member-governed organisation – but what does this mean exactly?

In short, it means that our customers can become members. This membership structure ensures that our customers’ opinions and interests are present in everything we do, and that Enhanced Lifestyles staff are always operating with the customer in mind. It makes us a uniquely customer-centric organisation, and this is reflected in the quality and personalised nature of the supports we provide.

Our members can choose to:

Becoming a member is a rewarding way to shape the future of our services and improve the lives of people with disability all over South Australia.

Apply to become a member

What are the membership options at Enhanced Lifestyles?

There are two types of membership:

  1. Full membership
  2. Associate membership

Full Members of Enhanced Lifestyles:

To become a full member, you must:

  • be a customer of Enhanced Lifestyles
  • be aged 18 years or over at the time of applying to become a member
  • agree with the Objects of Enhanced Lifestyles

Associate Members of Enhanced Lifestyles:

You may be become an Associate member if you are:

  • a customer of Enhanced Lifestyles that does not wish to hold a full membership; or
  • a partner, relative, or friend of an Enhanced Lifestyles customers; or
  • a member of the community; and
  • you agree with the Objects of Enhanced Lifestyles

Organisations that are registered legal entities and are based in or conduct business in South Australia, and support the work and the Objects of Enhanced Lifestyles may also apply to be an Associate Member.

Apply to become a member

Member events

How to become a Member

Complete the form below to apply to become a Member of Enhanced Lifestyles.  In doing so you:

  • Agree to support the Objects of Enhanced Lifestyles and to be subject to it Constitution.  Our Objects are:
    • To be a leading provider of user-led services to people living with disability that maximise the individual’s choice and control over their independent living support provider, service type and degree of personal control and management of those services.
    • To promote, encourage and support customers of the service to actively engage and participate in the governance of the Association and in the design and implementation of services to customers.
    • To deliver high quality and flexible services based on the needs, choices, ambitions and desires of customers.
    • To affirm the rights, dignity and independence of individuals with disability.
    • To develop a team that is customer service focused.
    • To do all such other things as may be incidental to the attainment of these Objects.
  • If applying for Full Membership, you agree that you are a current customer of Enhanced Lifestyles.
  • Understand that your application to become a member is subject to approval by the Enhanced Lifestyles Board.
  • Are not an employee of Enhanced Lifestyles.
  • Have not been convicted of a breach to the Associations Incorporations Act (SA) 1985.
  • Are 18 years of age or older.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Get in touch

Complete the form to find out if we can support you.
You can also call us on 8340 2000 to speak to one of our friendly team members or email us at hello@el.org.au.
Enhanced LifestylesWe heart NDIS