The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support to people living with disabilities to improve their quality of life and help them achieve their goals.

One of the key components of the NDIS is the provision of individualised funding, which is divided into 3 main types of support budgets: Core Supports, Capacity Building Supports, and Capital Supports.

Each of these budgets serves a specific purpose and is designed to cater to different needs. The kinds of supports that NDIS participants decide to buy must be deemed reasonable and necessary according to NDIS funding criteria.

Not every NDIS participant will be eligible to receive funding under every category. The funding they are eligible to receive is determined by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) planner at a plan review meeting.

In this blog post, we’ll explore each type of NDIS support budget in detail, helping you understand how they work and how they can be used.

Two people sit at a table, looking at a laptop screen displaying a website with various images and options.

1. What is a Core Supports Budget?

The Core Supports Budget is designed to help participants with their day-to-day activities and needs. It is the most flexible budget and can be used across 4 main categories:

Daily activities

This category covers support with everyday activities that help participants live as independently as possible. It includes assistance with personal care, household tasks, and meal preparation. For example, a participant might use this budget to hire a support worker or Lifestyle Attendant to help with bathing, dressing, or cleaning.


This category includes everyday items that the participant requires. Consumables can range from continence products to vision or hearing-related low-cost assistive technology.

It’s important to note that this category typically covers low-cost items, so it’s essential to manage these expenses carefully.

Assistance with Social and Community Participation

This funding is allocated to support participants in engaging with social and recreational activities. It can be used for activities such as joining a community group, attending a class, or participating in a hobby. The goal is to enhance social interaction and community involvement, which are crucial for overall well-being.


Transport funding is available for participants who are unable to make use of public transport. It helps cover the cost of taxis, rideshares, or other private transportation options. This budget is essential for enabling participants to attend appointments, go to work, or participate in community activities.

Two hands are shown interacting with a laptop; one hand points towards the screen while the other rests on the keyboard.

The good news is you can generally use Core budget funds allocated against one Core support category to purchase supports under another Core support category, unless these funds have already been allocated for a specific purpose, or any Core support category that is:

  • Compensation
  • Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA): accommodation for participants who require specialist housing solutions due to significant functional impairment and/or very high support needs
  • In-kind supports: the service has already been paid for by the state or federal government and you don’t need to pay for them from your NDIS plan funds. This could be Government pre-paid supports such as school transport or some therapy supports.
  • A Stated item (including quotes for certain items): additional information, such as a quote or specialist report, may be required before funding can be made available in your plan.

In these cases, the funds allocated to that category must only be used for that specific purpose.

Core Support funding cannot be transferred to other NDIS support budgets, including Capacity Building or Capital Supports.


2. What is a Capacity Building (CB) Supports Budget?

The Capacity Building Supports Budget is focused on developing a participant’s skills and independence over time. Unlike the Core Supports Budget, it is not as flexible and must be used for specific purposes. The Capacity Building categories are:

Improved Living Arrangements

This category supports participants in finding and maintaining suitable accommodation. It can cover assistance with tenancy obligations, exploring housing options, and ensuring the participant has a safe and appropriate living environment.

Increased Social and Community Participation

Funding in this category is aimed at developing skills to participate in community, social, and recreational activities. This could include life skills training, peer support groups, or activities that enhance social engagement.

Finding and Keeping a Job

This support is designed to help participants find and maintain employment. It can include job training, resume writing, interview preparation, and ongoing employment support. The goal is to enhance the participant’s ability to gain and retain meaningful employment.

Improved Relationships

Improved Relationships funding is intended to help participants develop positive behaviours and interact more effectively with others. It can cover behavioural support services, social skills training, and therapy to address any behavioural challenges.

Improved Health and Wellbeing

This category covers activities that promote physical and mental health. It can include personal training, dietitian services, exercise programs, and other health-related activities. The focus is on maintaining and improving overall health and well-being.

Improved Learning

Improved Learning supports participants in gaining new skills and knowledge. This can include educational assessments, training programs that enhance learning opportunities, and assistance with further education such as TAFE or university.

A child with long curly hair uses a laptop at a wooden table with a bookshelf in the background and a coffee mug beside the laptop.

Improved Life Choices

This category is designed to help participants develop the skills needed to make informed decisions and manage their NDIS plan. It can include financial management, plan management services, and training in decision-making skills.

Improved Daily Living

Improved Daily Living covers therapeutic support aimed at increasing a participant’s independence. It includes services such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy, and other allied health services that improve daily functioning. These services can be delivered individually or in groups.

Support Coordination

Support Coordination is included in the Capacity Building budget. This is a fixed amount that helps participants understand and implement their NDIS plan. It includes finding and connecting with service providers, navigating the NDIS system, and building the participant’s ability to manage their supports independently.

To learn more about Support Coordination, read our blog on the subject.


3. What is a Capital Supports Budget?

The Capital Supports Budget is used for higher-cost items and one-time expenses that assist with independence and safety. There are two main categories within this budget:

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology funding covers equipment or technology that helps participants with their daily activities. This can range from mobility aids like wheelchairs and walkers to communication devices and home or vehicle modifications. The goal is to enhance the participant’s ability to live independently and safely.

Home Modifications

Home Modifications funding is allocated for changes to the participant’s home environment that improve accessibility and safety. This can include installing ramps, modifying bathrooms, or making other structural changes to accommodate the participant’s needs. Participants should speak to their Support Coordinator or Local Area Coordinator (LAC) if Capital Supports are required.

Three men, one in a wheelchair, are sitting outdoors and clinking small glasses together, smiling and enjoying a drink.


Understanding the different types of support budgets in the NDIS is crucial for maximising the benefits of the scheme. Each budget is tailored to specific needs and goals, ensuring that participants receive the appropriate support to enhance their quality of life.

By effectively utilising Core Supports, Capacity Building Supports, and Capital Supports, NDIS participants can achieve greater independence, participate more fully in their communities, and work towards their personal and professional goals.

Navigating the NDIS can be complex, but with the right knowledge and support, participants can make the most of their plans and improve their overall well-being. Whether it’s assistance with daily activities, skill development, or obtaining necessary equipment, the NDIS provides a comprehensive framework to support people with disabilities throughout their lives.

Enhanced Lifestyles can assist NDIS participants with a wide range of supports, from support coordination, personal care, supported independent living (SIL) and in-home supports.

Get in touch with Enhanced Lifestyles today!