Nominations for the Enhanced Lifestyles Board are now open.

The Board forms a pivotal part of the association and needs a cohesive forward-thinking group who work as part of a team to ensure the continued success of Enhanced Lifestyles.

Nominations are accepted both from:

  • Members self-nominating; or
  • another Member nominating you to a position.

Find out how to become a member

If you are the type of person Enhanced Lifestyles needs, please consider nominating yourself to the Board as it will be a great opportunity both personally and professionally. Please remember to be a Member of the Board you must be a Full Voting Member of Enhanced Lifestyles and have a current DHS clearance or be willing to obtain one.

Nomination process

  1. Nomination forms released. Completed forms must be received by the Board Support Officer at Enhanced Lifestyles by Wednesday 18 September 2024.
  2. Board Support Officer will contact all Nominees and discuss acceptance of the nomination. Nominees are required to complete a short candidate form and detail their reasons for joining the Board. Assistance for this can be provided by an outside, independent organisation. Candidate forms to be returned no later than Monday 30 September 2024.
  3. All received Candidate forms will be checked to ensure they meet State and Federal Legislation requirements.
  4. Candidate forms will then be sent out to all Members for their consideration before voting takes place at the AGM, by Friday 25 October 2024.
  5. All vacant Board positions will be voted on at the AGM on Friday 25 October 2024.

What is the Board and their function?

The Board of Enhanced Lifestyles is legally responsible for the governance of the organisation and overseeing its management, including:

  • The allocation of resources.
  • Approving and monitoring the annual budget.
  • Developing a strategic plan.
  • Approving membership of the organisation.
  • Monitoring risk.
  • Meeting Enhanced Lifestyles Incorporated’s legal responsibilities

The day-to-day management, including personnel management, of Enhanced Lifestyles is undertaken through its Chief Executive Officer.

The Board meets at least monthly or as required (with an extended break over the Christmas/New Year period).

All matters considered by the Board are confidential, in particular, financial, personnel and contractual matters. Board Members will be expected to sign a Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Agreement.

What are the minimum requirements to be a Board Member?

To nominate or be nominated as a Board Member, the nominee must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • You must be a Full Voting Member of Enhanced Lifestyles.
  • Current DHS clearance or willingness to obtain one within three (3) months of election.
  • Basic computer skills and/or access to email. Hardcopy papers and communication can be arranged via telephone.
  • Ability to access and communicate via email outside of Board meetings.
  • Attendance at Board and Subcommittee meetings at predesignated times either via video conferencing or in person.
  • Attendance at training days in February (and during the year) outside of usual Board hours.
  • Ability to critically evaluate policies and procedures and participate in discussions about the organisation as-a-whole.
  • Ability to participate in discussions and make decisions based on the best interests of the organisation, not an individual’s service.
  •  Willingness to undertake up to 10 hours of additional work per month outside of Board Meetings. This includes attendance at Subcommittee and other urgent meetings, as well as, reading and preparation before meetings.

If you require any further information about joining the Board or Board requirements, please email